Social Networks

Good afternoon, welcome to my blog again!
I do not normally visit many websites. However, I use social networks daily like 
WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, Spotify and mail.
Whatsapp is my favorite because I can constantly talk with the important people in
my life. It has easy access from the mobile phone and is a good way to keep us 
connected even if we have very addictive.
Instagram also use it daily. I like it because I see what my friends do during the
day, they upload stories and we can post our photos and videos. In this social 
network I always watch with enthusiasm the videos of my friends daughter because 
she makes me laugh and I see her new learnings.
Facebook I'm using it little and only to see news and pages that are relevant to 
my learning as an educator.
Spotify is an application to play music I use it daily during travel time. 
Sometimes I occupy it for cleaning or when I share with my friends and boyfriends.
Finally, I take the mail to send and receive academic work, medical information 
and daily procedures.
Companions have a good weekend.

Resultado de imagen para redes sociales 


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