Changes in my career !

Hi everybody!

In my opinion I think that all the races should be generating changes according to each generation that arrives at the university, since different people always arrive and each generatio leaves learning and lessons that can be considered.

Just today in my career we are unemployed one of those reasons is because we support the teaching strike that is manifesting, but also our reasons go to the deficiencies that our curricular network presents we must to our learning.

According to the experiencie I can say that during my three years in college we have been the most affected generation, since we have notified branches that do not complete their learning or branches that its duration does not cover all the time we need for what we think should be extended.

The last year there were conflicts with two teachers who leave and we are without that content and the university is not responsible and that bothers me a lot. I am one of the few who pays my studies every month and it is not appropriate for things to happen so easy.

Today, 5 years old classmates are realizing that  the branch we should have to prepare our thesis is in its fifth year when is is too late because our thesis begins to be done in the fourth year.

As for the practice we are super since we have the first semester and it is in the field where our opinion is considered the most.

GOODBYE! Excellent week


  1. I had never seen the curriculum map of preschool education studies in our university, I'm very impressed haha :o, how are the practices?


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